ECO Laser Machine

The OEM Marking Machine ECO Laser from MarkNStamp is an excellent solution for high speed marking requirements. These machines are typically available as Class 4 solutions or with safety enclosure. These compact OEM heads are also ideal for integration in existing automation solution.

  • Fine Laser Marking & small beam diameter.
  • Simple and easy to operation.
  • Narrow pulse width and small heat affected zone, without damage workpiece.
  • Fine marking on Metallic and non-Metallic substance.
  • Suitable for sensitive material as cold light source.
Technical Description

Laser Power


Marking Field

110 x 110 mm (Default), 150x150mm, 250x250mm

Overall Dimensions


Working Space


Maximum component height


Laser Safety

Class 4 / Class 1

Machine Weight

45 Kg / with enclosure-53 Kg


Ethernet / USB

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