Portable Pneumatic & EM Marking Machine

The portable marking machine (pneumatic) is available in 3 different sizes and in electric versions too. The X and Y axis are linear for consistent depth and the aluminium handle makes working smoother. Several stylus assemblies and cable lengths make these machines suitable for diverse industrial applications. The machines can be adapted to its table top version and the front fitted trays makes them user friendly.
Technical Description
  • Standard Marking window: 150mm x 50mm
    (80mm x 30mm, 50mm x 30mm)
  • Weight: 3.2kg with front fixture (2.8kg without fixture.)
  • Standard Stylus:LP‐10 for Steel OR LP‐06 for Al Marking (P) / EM‐01 Stylus.
  • CNC Controller: 2 Axis 7″ Touch screen Controller
  • Connection type: Military grade secure connection to the controller.
  • Versions: Pneumatic

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