Eco-Max Laser Machine

These Self standing ECO-Max Lasers from MarkNStamp are ideal for high speed marking requirements. This solution also comes with multiple safety enclosures depending on application requirements. The 30W and 50W MOPA Laser sources as well as Watercooled UV and CO2 Laser Sources are available in this machine format. Multiple type of accessories are also available with these machines.

  • Fine Marking & small beam diameter.
  • Simple and easy to operation.
  • Narrow pulse width and small heat affected zone, without damage workpiece.
  • Fine marking on Metallic and non-Metallic substance.
  • Suitable for sensitive material as cold light source.
Technical Description

Laser Power

30W, 60W, 120W MOPA, 30W CO2, 5W UV

Marking Field

110 x 110 mm (Default), 150x150mm, 250x250mm

Overall Dimensions


Working Space


Maximum component height


Laser Safety

Class 4 / Class 1

Machine Weight

85 Kg / with enclosure- 100 Kg


Ethernet / USB

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