MNS-PC Computer Based Machine With Wi-Fi And Ethernet Connectivity

The rugged workhorse of marking, the MNS PC machine is available in pneumatic and electric versions. Mounted on a large stand the machine comes with standard 2 axis up-gradable to 3-4 axis. It can be connected to Ethernet or Wifi for seamless working and delivers elegant and deep permanent markings suitable for various applications as well as reading and printing bar codes/ bills. It integrates easily with other machines and devices and is flawless in marking alpha numeric applications.
Technical Description
  • Versions: Electric and Pneumatic Versions available.
  • Marking Area: 120mm x 100mm
  • Standard Stylus: PH-16 for Continuous Marking or LP-10 for dotted Marking.
  • Pin Vibrations:Both Dot peen and Vibro peen available.
  • Power Supply: Separate 24VDC 5A Power Adapter
  • Inputs: 5 Inputs for automatic design selection.
  • Outputs: 2 Outputs, end of marking, machine ready for marking & error.
  • 2D Barcodes: Datamatrix & QRCode Marking Possible.

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