Electric Machine

This touch-screen based machine is available in electric and pneumatic formats fitted with an easy to operate, multilingual user-friendly interface. It also offers the flexibility to connect to a PC over an Ethernet. It is a limited features basic model mounted on a relatively tall stand and 7 different stylus attachments can be used on this machine covering divergent industrial applications for component markings.
Description Technical Description
This touch-screen based machine is available in electric and pneumatic formats fitted with an easy to operate, multilingual user-friendly interface. It also offers the flexibility to connect to a PC over an Ethernet. It is a limited features basic model mounted on a relatively tall stand and 7 different stylus attachments can be used on this machine covering divergent industrial applications for component markings.
  • Versions: Electric and Pneumatic Versions available.
  • Marking Area: 120mm x 100mm
  • Stands: Manual Stands in light and heavy duty, Motorized Economy and Fast Z Stand.
  • Machine Working:2 in 1 working with touch screen and PC with Ethernet cable.
  • Power Supply: Separate 24VDC 5A Power Adapter
  • Storage: 5 Unlimited Storage Capacity.
  • Force Adjustment: 9 different force codes to adjust marking force.
  • 2D Barcodes: Datamatrix Marking is Possible.

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