Battery Operated MNSB-TC

Battery operated portable marking machine with integrated touch screen
All controls are now simplified with our integrated touch screen, enhancing your operational efficiency like never before.

• Marking area – 100x30mm
• Integrated 7” Resistive Touch Screen no computer needed
• USB interface integrated compatible with mouse and keyboard
• Supports barcode scanning for content import
• Powerful Lithium – battery for up to 4 hours of normal working
• User friendly powerful touch screen
• Light weight
• Can also be operated using mobile tablet or laptop through MNSBLauncher APP

Technical Description

 Model Name


Type of Machine

Touch Screen Hand Held Cordless with Battery

Marking Area

100mm x 30mm

Overall Size of machine

350mm x 200mm x 340mm




In a neat robust carrying case

Stylus Technology

Electric only

Colour of Machine

White & Orange


Powerful Lithium - battery for up to 4 hours of normal working

Standard Battery Specifications

18V DC 3Ah. Batteries from Makita are also available in 5Ah (Same Size), 6Ah(Same Size) and 9Ah(Big Size).


Robust Glass Filled Nylon, Shatter proof

Machine Working:

Touch Screen with Linux Base OS

Software Availability

Inbuilt MNSBLauncher Software


7” Resistive Touch Screen Display built into the Marking Head.

Memory Storage Capacity


Touch Pen:

Hard touch pointer provided.

Force of Marking

9 different forces are set to adjust depth.

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